How does drowsiness alter driver safety?
Driver safety is one of the biggest concerns many drivers have, as this can affect whether or not they get involved in a crash. The worse overall driver safety is, the higher the chance of an individual crash occurring, which can alter a victim’s life.
In order to combat the risks inherent in unsafe driving, it is important to know where the biggest risks stem from. To that end, it is crucial to understand drowsiness and how it impacts drivers.
Drowsiness and driver safety
The Sleep Foundation takes a look at driver safety and the impact drowsiness can have on it. Drowsiness actually holds many similarities with intoxicated driving in terms of how it affects drivers. Some of these shared similarities include slowed reflexes and a lower ability to react to dangers. Sleepy drivers also have slowed mental cognition and may struggle to identify future dangers as well.
On top of that, drowsy drivers have a risk of falling asleep behind the wheel. This can lead to a driver careening off the side of the road, drifting into another lane of traffic, or even crossing the median on a freeway and driving into oncoming traffic. These accidents tend to have high rates of serious injury and result in fatalities, as well.
A false sense of security
Drowsy driving does not have the same level of heat directed toward it as other issues like texting while driving, as well. This gives drivers a false sense of security, leading to them feeling safe with their unsafe decisions until it is too late. Concentrated efforts to raise awareness of the risks inherent to drowsy driving may help curb this problem.