Harassment in the Workplace: What to Do If You’ve Been Accused
Someone in your workplace accuses you of harassment. This is time-consuming and stressful to fight as well a threat to your employment and income. Do not assume you can reason with an accuser and return to business as usual. Acquire skilled defense attorneys to handle your accuser with respect and courtesy as they defend you with care and legal finesse. Craig Annin & Baxter Law are Woodbury NJ harassment defense lawyers specializing in employment law and civil rights. They stay abreast of federal, state and local statutes applicable to harassment on sexual, gender, racial, disability, religion and cultural grounds to name a few. Considering New Jersey law requires harassment to be severe and pervasive, Craig Annin & Baxter Law can help you frame your case and respond to plaintiff’s attorneys or workplace actions. Immediately upon learning you’ve been accused of harassment at work, do your part.
Preserve and gather documents, records and notes
- Emails
- Voicemails
- Memos
- Project notes
- Photographs
- Phone records
- Social media screenshots
Crisis management and public relations
Reputation is an asset for high-profile business leaders, government officials, and influential powerbrokers. The court of public opinion can fan the flames of accusations against them quickly.
- Refuse interviews.
- Resist commenting.
- Direct all media inquiries to your attorney.
Never, ever go on the attack or belittle your accuser. Anyone accused of workplace harassment in New Jersey should call Craig Annin & Baxter Law Woodbury NJ harassment defense lawyers for a free consultation on an honorable defense.