Considering Divorce Mediation? What You Should Know!

Divorce mediation is designed for you and your spouse when your marriage ends. If you find you cannot agree on the details of your divorce, mediation might be the right choice for you. A neutral third party agrees to meet with you both to discuss the items in your divorce on which you cannot agree, and you work to find an amicable solution to your problems. Mediators are not there to make your decisions for you. They are present only to help you come up with an agreement in a civil manner.
Who Should Use Mediators? A mediator is not for everyone. If you and your spouse are in agreement about the details of your divorce, there’s no need to have a mediator present. A mediator is for those who cannot agree on the fine print whether it’s financial decisions, child custody, or who the dog gets to live with. If you’ve already been back and forth a few times with your wants and needs and no one can agree, a mediator is the best option. He or she serves as a facilitator when you need someone who has no personal interest in your divorce.
How Does Mediation Work? You and your spouse, and your attorneys if you feel you need them present, sit down with a mediator to discuss the issues at hand. The mediator does not make decisions. He or she only presents you with the options, asks questions, and encourages you to find the solution that works best for both of you. This is their job, and they do not do anything in addition to this. Your conversations and personal information are kept entirely private during this time. New Jersey family law attorneys CockerillCraigMoore Law can help you with your divorce. Haddonfield Divorce Lawyers can sit with you during mediation to answer your questions, help you come up with a solution, and to encourage you to make decisions. Our divorce attorneys can prepare you for mediation by helping you determine what is most important to you and what you are willing to offer in return for what you want. Call a divorce lawyer Cherry Hill, NJ today to discuss your case.